welcome to ‘what would your mama say’

I hope your enjoy your visit. here, we try to have honest conversations. Feelings may get bruised, but our admin will remove disrespectful remarks. If you have an opinion we want to hear it. Intelligent people can have civil conversation, even in 2020.

This site is my ‘seed in a cup’, in which I hope to grow the almost extinct art of respectful communication that social media’s algorithms have rotted away.

Click on ‘our blog list‘ to wade on into some opinions. you may agree, or not, but you are welcome. but remember, kind words change minds.

Please check out the informative blog posted by elimigator: 


Sometimes you need to step back and see the big picture. If doctors relied us to tell them what’s wrong, we would often ‘die on the table’! What has occurred for the last forty years is proof positive that we, (the patient) do not know what is wrong and will never be able to fix it until discovery is made. elimigator may very well have put his finger on the elusive problem making it possible for a real solution.